Create Stickers & Animations

Tutorial on how to use the API to render a sticker or animation.

This tutorial assumes that you already know how to authenticate and create an avatar. If not, please head back to Create Avatar & Render for an introduction.

The renderings endpoint can be used to render stickers and animations of an existing avatar.

Render Sticker

curl -X POST '{AVATAR_ID}/renderings?pose=thumbsUp' \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}"

Render Animation

curl -X POST '{AVATAR_ID}/renderings?animation=idle' \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}"

Renderings are processed asynchronously. See Avatars > Renderings > Resolve Status for details on how to query processing status. When your new rendering is done, you can resolve it using Avatars > Renderings > Resolve.

For more details on parameters, available stickers & animations, see Avatars > Renderings > Create.

Last updated